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The American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) is a nonprofit professional organization for scientists and engineers who wish to promote and communicate technical advances in the field of aerosol research.The Association fosters the exchange of information among members and with other disciplines through conferences, symposia, and publication of a professional journal, Aerosol Science and Technology (AS&T).Association membership represents all areas of aerosol science including: Global Environment, Microcontamination, Air Pollution, Instrumentation/Measurement, Aerosol Chemistry, Material Synthesis, Aerosol Physics, Pharmaceutical Aerosols, Occupational and Public Health, Filtration/Separation, Atmospheric Sciences, Combustion, Biological Aerosols, Metrology/Standards, Indoor Air Quality, and Radioactive Aerosols/Nuclear Safety.Committed to the development of aerosol science and its application to important societal issues, AAAR offers an international forum for education, communication, and networking among leading aerosol researchers.